ITWO | ProShares羅素2000高收益ETF | Cboe Russell 2000 Daily Covered Call Index | 0.9511 |
XCNY | SPDR標普新興市場(中國除外)ETF | S&P Emerging Ex-China BMI | 0.9328 |
CERY | SPDR彭博增強型滾動收益商品策略No K-1 ETF | Bloomberg Enhanced Roll Yield Total Return Index | 0.9262 |
FSCC | Federated Hermes MDT小型核心主動型ETF | | 0.8879 |
EMEQ | Macquarie聚焦新興市場股票ETF | | 0.8812 |
SAWS | AAM Sawgrass美國小型優質成長主動型ETF | | 0.8585 |
OOTO | Direxion每日二倍做多旅遊及度假ETF | BlueStar Travel and Vacation Index | 0.8572 |
DCAP | Unity Wealth Partners動態資本增值與期權主動型ETF | | 0.8556 |
SPIN | SPDR SSGA美國股票溢價盈餘主動型ETF | | 0.8501 |
GURU | Global X大師指數ETF | Solactive Guru Index | 0.8489 |
GINN | Goldman Sachs創新股票ETF | Solactive Innovative Global Equity Index | 0.8481 |
OPTZ | Optimize策略指數ETF | Optimize Strategy Index | 0.8439 |
QQQJ | Invesco納斯達克特選世代100 ETF | NASDAQ Next Generation 100 Index | 0.8433 |
KHPI | Kensington避險保費收入主動型ETF | | 0.8425 |
PEJ | Invesco休閒娛樂業ETF | Dynamic Leisure & Entertainment Intellidex Index | 0.8422 |
ROBO | ROBO Global機器人與自動化指數ETF | ROBO Global Robotics and Automation Index | 0.8419 |
VLLU | Harbor AlphaEdge大型價值主動型ETF | Harbor AlphaEdge Large Cap Value Index | 0.8414 |
ISCG | iShares晨星小型成長股ETF | Morningstar US Small Cap Broad Growth Extended Index (USD) | 0.8413 |
SAMM | Strategas宏觀動量主動型ETF | | 0.8394 |
SPHB | Invesco標普500高BetaETF | S&P 500 High Beta Index | 0.8388 |
QQQN | VictoryShares納斯達克Next 50 ETF | NASDAQ Q-50 Index | 0.8383 |
KNO | AXS知識領袖主動型ETF | | 0.8375 |
OND | ProShares按需ETF | FactSet On-Demand Index | 0.8371 |
IBUY | Amplify網路零售業ETF | EQM Online Retail Index | 0.8368 |
VBK | Vanguard小型成長股ETF | CRSP US Small Cap Growth Index | 0.8366 |
SQEW | LeaderShares股票傾斜主動型ETF | | 0.8366 |
FPX | First Trust美股機會ETF | IPOX-100 U.S. Index | 0.8366 |
AVGE | Avantis全股票市場主動型ETF | | 0.8364 |
DUKQ | Ocean Park國內主動型ETF | | 0.8349 |
KOMP | SPDR標普Kensho新經濟綜合ETF | S&P Kensho New Economies Composite Index | 0.8349 |
ICVT | iShares可轉換債券ETF | Bloomberg U.S. Convertible Cash Pay Bond > $250MM Index | 0.8345 |
HIBL | Direxion每日三倍做多標普五百高Beta ETF | S&P 500 High Beta Index | 0.8336 |
IWP | iShares羅素中型成長股ETF | Russell Midcap Growth index | 0.8325 |
NJNK | Columbia美國非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.8325 |
VOT | Vanguard中型成長股ETF | CRSP US Mid Cap Growth Index | 0.8322 |
FNY | First Trust中型成長股AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Mid Cap Growth Index | 0.8320 |
VXF | Vanguard中小型股延展市場ETF | S&P Completion Index | 0.8316 |
FXD | First Trust非必需消費AlphaDEX指數ETF | StrataQuant Consumer Discretionary Index. | 0.8304 |
IMCG | iShares晨星中型成長股ETF | Morningstar US Mid Cap Broad Growth Index (USD) | 0.8300 |
RSPD | Invesco標普500平均加權非必需消費類股ETF | S&P 500 Equal Weight Consumer Discretionary Index | 0.8292 |
KAUG | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-8月 | | 0.8289 |
HEAT | Touchstone氣候轉型主動型ETF | | 0.8285 |
FMDE | Fidelity增強中型主動型ETF | | 0.8280 |
DALI | First Trust Dorsey Wright DALI 1 ETF | Nasdaq DorseyWright DALI 1 Index | 0.8278 |
FAD | First Trust全市場成長型AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Multi Cap Growth Index | 0.8277 |
AVMA | Avantis適度配置主動型ETF | | 0.8268 |
IPAV | Global X基礎設施發展(美國除外) ETF | Global X Infrastructure Development ex-U.S. Index | 0.8267 |
ILOW | AB國際低波動股票主動型ETF | | 0.8257 |
LMBO | Direxion每日二倍做多加密行業ETF | Solactive Distributed Ledger & Decentralized Payment Tech Index | 0.8251 |
IWMI | NEOS羅素2000高收益主動型ETF | | 0.8246 |
TOGA | Tremblant全球主動型ETF | | 0.8238 |
FLYU | MicroSectors旅遊每日三倍做多ETN | MerQube MicroSectors U.S. Travel Index | 0.8238 |
IPO | Renaissance IPO ETF | Renaissance IPO Index | 0.8227 |
ITDG | iShares LifePath目標日期2055主動型ETF | | 0.8223 |
DFAW | Dimensional世界股票主動型ETF | | 0.8222 |
CGGE | Capital Group全球股票主動型ETF | | 0.8219 |
BNE | Blue Horizon BNE新能源經濟ETF | Blue Horizon New Energy Economy 100 Index | 0.8214 |
GAL | SPDR道富全球資產配置主動型ETF | | 0.8214 |
EBIZ | Global X電子商務ETF | Solactive E-commerce Index | 0.8211 |
IWR | iShares羅素中型股ETF | Russell Midcap index | 0.8208 |
FLCC | Federated Hermes MDT大型核心主動型ETF | | 0.8208 |
ITDH | iShares LifePath目標日期2060主動型ETF | | 0.8207 |
PEXL | Pacer美國出口領導者ETF | Pacer US Export Leaders Index | 0.8205 |
QMID | WisdomTree美國中型股優質成長ETF | WisdomTree U.S. MidCap Quality Growth Index | 0.8203 |
RSJN | FT Vest美國股票等權重緩衝主動型ETF-6月 | | 0.8203 |
MMSC | First Trust多重管理小型股機會主動型ETF | | 0.8199 |
TRND | Pacer Trendpilot組合型ETF | Pacer Trendpilot Fund of Funds Index | 0.8199 |
TRTY | Cambria三位一體ETF | Cambria Trinity Index | 0.8197 |
QQJG | Invesco ESG納斯達克特選世代100 ETF | Nasdaq Next Generation 100 ESG Index | 0.8196 |
RBUF | Innovator美國小型股10緩衝主動型ETF-7月 | | 0.8194 |
BBMC | JPMorgan BetaBuilders美國中型股ETF | Morningstar US Mid Cap Target Market Exposure Extended Index | 0.8182 |
RXI | iShares全球非必需消費ETF | S&P Global 1200 Consumer Discretionary Sector Capped Index | 0.8176 |
BNGE | First Trust S-Network流媒體與遊戲ETF | S-Network Streaming & Gaming Index | 0.8171 |
DRIV | Global X自動駕駛與電動車ETF | Solactive Autonomous & Electric Vehicles Index | 0.8170 |
IWO | iShares羅素2000成長股ETF | Russell 2000 Growth index | 0.8170 |
VB | Vanguard小型股ETF | CRSP US Small Cap Index | 0.8167 |
KLMT | Invesco MSCI全球氣候 500 ETF | MSCI ACWI Select Climate 500 Index | 0.8166 |
SNOV | FT Vest美國小型股適度緩衝主動型ETF-11月 | | 0.8160 |
FYC | First Trust小型成長股AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Small Cap Growth Index | 0.8156 |
VFMO | Vanguard美國動能因子主動型ETF | | 0.8155 |
FLCG | Federated Hermes MDT大型成長主動型ETF | | 0.8153 |
VFQY | Vanguard美國優質因子主動型ETF | | 0.8148 |
INAV | Mohr產業導航主動型ETF | | 0.8148 |
SIZE | iShares MSCI美國規模因子ETF | MSCI USA Low Size Index | 0.8147 |
ETHO | Amplify Etho美國氣候領導ETF | Etho Climate Leadership Index – US | 0.8142 |
SCHM | Schwab美國中型股ETF | Dow Jones U.S. Mid-Cap Total Stock Market Index | 0.8140 |
VTWG | Vanguard羅素2000成長指數ETF | Russell 2000 Growth Index | 0.8138 |
ROBT | First Trust納斯達克人工智慧與機器人ETF | Nasdaq CTA Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Index | 0.8137 |
STXM | Strive中型股ETF | Bloomberg US 400 Index | 0.8133 |
ITDE | iShares LifePath目標日期2045主動型ETF | | 0.8132 |
GLOW | VictoryShares WestEnd全球股票主動型ETF | | 0.8130 |
EPP | iShares MSCI太平洋不含日本ETF | MSCI Pacific ex-Japan Index | 0.8129 |
KJUN | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-6月 | | 0.8123 |
TMAT | Main主題創新主動型ETF | | 0.8122 |
CRUZ | Defiance飯店、航空公司和郵輪ETF | BlueStar Global Hotels, Airlines, and Cruises Index | 0.8121 |
AVMC | Avantis美國中型股票主動型ETF | | 0.8120 |
HLGE | Hartford長壽經濟ETF | Hartford Longevity Economy Index | 0.8119 |
SECT | Main行業輪換主動型ETF | | 0.8116 |
MID | American Century中型成長股影響力主動型ETF | | 0.8114 |
HAIL | SPDR標普Kensho智能移動ETF | S&P Kensho Smart Transportation Index | 0.8114 |