RYSE | Vest 10年利率避險主動型ETF | | 0.9837 |
TYO | Direxion每日三倍放空7-10年期美國公債ETF | ICE U.S. Treasury 7-10 Year Bond Index | 0.9818 |
TBT | ProShares二倍放空20年期以上美國公債ETF | ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Bond Index | 0.9606 |
TTT | ProShares三倍放空20年以上美國公債ETF | ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Bond Index | 0.9577 |
TBF | ProShares放空型20年期以上美國公債ETF | ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Bond Index | 0.9575 |
TMV | Direxion每日三倍放空20年期以上美國公債ETF | ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Bond Index | 0.9555 |
TBX | ProShares放空型7-10年期美國公債ETF | ICE U.S. Treasury 7-10 Year Bond Index | 0.9423 |
RATE | Global X利率避險主動型ETF | | 0.9212 |
PFIX | Simplify利率避險主動型ETF | | 0.9205 |
EQLT | iShares MSCI新興市場品質因子ETF | MSCI Emerging Markets Quality Factor Select Index | 0.8855 |
HYKE | Vest 2年利率避險主動型ETF | | 0.8615 |
EMEQ | Macquarie聚焦新興市場股票ETF | | 0.8134 |
CPII | Ionic通脹保護主動型ETF | | 0.7786 |
RINF | ProShares預期型通貨膨脹ETF | FTSE 30-Year TIPS (Treasury Rate-Hedged) Index | 0.7140 |
CERY | SPDR彭博增強型滾動收益商品策略No K-1 ETF | Bloomberg Enhanced Roll Yield Total Return Index | 0.6118 |
RISR | FolioBeyond替代收益與利率避險主動型ETF | | 0.6063 |
UUP | Invesco德銀做多美元指數ETF | Deutsche Bank Long USD Currency Portfolio Index-Excess Return | 0.5868 |
YCS | ProShares二倍放空日圓ETF | JPY/USD Exchange Rate | 0.5855 |
EVLU | iShares MSCI新興市場價值因子ETF | MSCI Emerging Markets Value Factor Select Index | 0.5649 |
PCEM | Polen Capital新興市場(中國除外)成長主動型ETF | | 0.5582 |
OCTA | Octane全市值能源主動型ETF | | 0.5569 |
00952 | 凱基台灣AI 50 | 臺灣指數公司特選臺灣上市上櫃FactSet優選AI 50指數 | 0.5527 |
DBMF | iMGP DBi管理期貨策略主動型ETF | | 0.5441 |
SPYB | Tradr每週2倍做多SPY主動型ETF | | 0.5375 |
USDU | WisdomTree彭博做多美元ETF | Bloomberg Dollar Total Return Index | 0.5373 |
IGHG | ProShares投資等級債券利率避險ETF | FTSE Corporate Investment Grade (Treasury Rate-Hedged) Index | 0.5361 |
DECO | SPDR Galaxy數位資產生態系統主動型ETF | | 0.5248 |
CAFX | Congress中期債券主動型ETF | | 0.5181 |
EUO | ProShares二倍放空歐元ETF | EUR/USD Exchange Rate | 0.5147 |
HECO | SPDR Galaxy避險數位資產生態系統主動型ETF | | 0.5087 |
SMCY | Yieldmax Smci期權收益策略主動型ETF | | 0.4897 |
PSQO | Palmer Square信貸機會主動型ETF | | 0.4897 |
DXUV | Dimensional美國向量股票主動型ETF | | 0.4897 |
HWAY | Themes美國基礎設施ETF | Solactive United States Infrastructure Index | 0.4897 |
SMHX | VanEck無晶圓廠半導體ETF | MarketVector US Listed Fabless Semiconductor Index | 0.4893 |
IPAV | Global X基礎設施發展(美國除外) ETF | Global X Infrastructure Development ex-U.S. Index | 0.4822 |
00954 | 中信日本半導體 | NYSE FactSet Japan Semiconductor Index | 0.4591 |
RSSY | Return Stacked美國股票及期貨殖利率主動型ETF | | 0.4568 |
SAWS | AAM Sawgrass美國小型優質成長主動型ETF | | 0.4558 |
KCAI | KraneShares中國Alpha指數ETF | Qi China Alpha Index | 0.4550 |
CPSL | Calamos Laddered標普500結構性另類保護主動型ETF | | 0.4526 |
FLCV | Federated Hermes MDT大型價值主動型ETF | | 0.4488 |
SJLD | SanJac Alpha低存續期主動型ETF | | 0.4339 |
CTA | Simplify管理期貨策略主動型ETF | | 0.4316 |
TEKX | SPDR Galaxy變革科技加速器主動型ETF | | 0.4290 |
HYHG | ProShares非投資等級債券利率避險ETF | FTSE High Yield (Treasury Rate-Hedged) Index | 0.4224 |
XOVR | ERShares公私交叉主動型ETF | | 0.4124 |
NJNK | Columbia美國非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.4104 |
FSCC | Federated Hermes MDT小型核心主動型ETF | | 0.3913 |
HYZD | WisdomTree利率避險非投資等級債券ETF | WisdomTree U.S. High Yield Corporate Bond, Zero Duration Index | 0.3881 |
FLCC | Federated Hermes MDT大型核心主動型ETF | | 0.3759 |
CLOZ | Panagram BBB-B CLO主動型ETF | | 0.3722 |
SRS | ProShares二倍放空房地產ETF | S&P Real Estate Select Sector Index | 0.3672 |
DRV | Direxion每日三倍放空房地產ETF | Real Estate Select Sector Index | 0.3574 |
REK | ProShares放空型房地產ETF | S&P Real Estate Select Sector Index | 0.3509 |
USOY | Defiance石油增強型期權收益主動型ETF | | 0.3481 |
MADE | iShares美國製造業ETF | S&P U.S. Manufacturing Select Index | 0.3454 |
3410 | 恒生日本東證100指數ETF | 東證100(總回報版本) | 0.3421 |
KAUG | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-8月 | | 0.3412 |
ITWO | ProShares羅素2000高收益ETF | Cboe Russell 2000 Daily Covered Call Index | 0.3409 |
00951 | 台新日本半導體 | NYSE FactSet日本半導體指數 | 0.3390 |
XCNY | SPDR標普新興市場(中國除外)ETF | S&P Emerging Ex-China BMI | 0.3377 |
NBCR | Neuberger Berman核心股票主動型ETF | | 0.3369 |
GLL | ProShares二倍放空黃金ETF | Bloomberg Gold Subindex | 0.3360 |
NVDW | Tradr每週1.75倍做多NVDA主動型ETF | | 0.3359 |
HYSD | Columbia短期非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.3340 |
DULL | MicroSectors黃金每日三倍放空ETN | SPDR Gold Shares ETF | 0.3330 |
FLCG | Federated Hermes MDT大型成長主動型ETF | | 0.3303 |
IGBH | iShares長期公司債券利率避險ETF | BlackRock Interest Rate Hedged Long-Term Corporate Bond Index | 0.3245 |
PXI | Invesco Dorsey Wright能源動能組合ETF | Dorsey Wright Energy Technical Leaders Index | 0.3242 |
ASMF | Virtus AlphaSimplex管理期貨主動型ETF | | 0.3234 |
SDP | ProShares二倍放空公用事業ETF | S&P Utilities Select Sector Index | 0.3224 |
00955 | 中信日本商社 | NYSE FactSet Japan Commercial and Wholesale Trade Index | 0.3207 |
HYGH | iShares利率避險非投資等級債券ETF | BlackRock Interest Rate Hedged High Yield Bond Index | 0.3200 |
EQLS | Simplify市場中性股票多空主動型ETF | | 0.3177 |
IEO | iShares美國油氣探勘與生產ETF | Dow Jones U.S. Select Oil Exploration & Production Index | 0.3147 |
DXJ | WisdomTree日本股票匯率避險ETF | WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity Index | 0.3107 |
WEEI | Westwood Salient增強型能源收入主動型ETF | | 0.3090 |
PXE | Invesco能源探勘與生產ETF | Dynamic Energy Exploration & Production Intellidex Index | 0.3065 |
LYLD | Cambria大型股股東收益主動型ETF | | 0.3051 |
LQDH | iShares利率避險公司債券ETF | BlackRock Interest Rate Hedged Corporate Bond Index | 0.3037 |
CLOX | Panagram AAA級CLO債券主動型ETF | | 0.3031 |
SJB | ProShares放空型非投資等級ETF | Markit iBoxx $ Liquid High Yield Index | 0.3027 |
00949 | 復華日本龍頭 | NYSE FactSet日本護城河優勢龍頭企業指數 | 0.3016 |
XOP | SPDR標普油氣開採與生產ETF | S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry Index | 0.2996 |
GUSH | Direxion每日二倍做多標普油氣探勘與生產ETF | S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry Index | 0.2980 |
NAUG | Innovator成長100動力緩衝主動型ETF-8月 | | 0.2941 |
RSPG | Invesco標普500平均加權能源類股ETF | S&P 500 Equal Weight Energy Index | 0.2916 |
FXN | First Trust能源AlphaDEX指數ETF | StrataQuant Energy Index | 0.2916 |
FCG | First Trust天然氣ETF | ISE-Revere Natural Gas Index | 0.2889 |
WTIU | MicroSectors原油每日三倍做多ETN | Solactive MicroSectors Energy Index | 0.2877 |
FTXN | First Trust納斯達克石油與天然氣ETF | Nasdaq U.S. Smart Oil & Gas Index | 0.2867 |
OILT | Texas Capital德州石油指數 ETF | Alerian Texas Weighted Oil and Gas Index | 0.2866 |
MLPB | ETRACS Alerian MLP基礎建設指數ETN B系列ETF | Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index | 0.2860 |
HEWJ | iShares匯率避險MSCI日本ETF | MSCI Japan 100% Hedged to USD Index | 0.2838 |
DXJS | WisdomTree日本小型股匯率避險ETF | WisdomTree Japan Hedged SmallCap Equity Index | 0.2811 |
USL | United States12月期原油期貨ETF | West Texas Intermediate light, sweet crude oil | 0.2794 |
OILU | MicroSectors油氣勘探生產每日三倍做多ETN | MicroSectors Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Index | 0.2784 |
FLJH | Franklin FTSE日本避險ETF | FTSE Japan Capped Hedged Index | 0.2780 |
DBE | Invesco德銀能源ETF | DBIQ Optimum Yield Energy Index Excess Return | 0.2779 |