QBF | Innovator無上限比特幣20主動型ETF-季度 | | 0.8770 |
GPTY | YieldMax人工智慧與科技投資組合期權收益主動型ETF | | 0.7729 |
ODDS | Pacer BlueStar數位娛樂ETF | BlueStar Global Online Gambling, Video Gaming and eSports Index | 0.7591 |
TXUE | Thornburg國際股票主動型ETF | | 0.7547 |
GEME | Pacific NoS全球新興市場股票主動型ETF | | 0.7502 |
XIDV | Franklin國際股息乘數指數ETF | VettaFi New Frontier International Dividend Select Index | 0.7462 |
EFFI | Harbor Osmosis國際資源效率主動型ETF | | 0.7334 |
NBCC | Neuberger Berman特選世代互聯消費者主動型ETF | | 0.7299 |
TOGA | Tremblant全球主動型ETF | | 0.7239 |
KDEC | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-12月 | | 0.7139 |
ABFL | Abacus FCF領袖主動型ETF | | 0.7137 |
CBOJ | Calamos比特幣結構化替代保護ETF-1月 | | 0.7101 |
GINN | Goldman Sachs創新股票ETF | Solactive Innovative Global Equity Index | 0.7028 |
ITDE | iShares LifePath目標日期2045主動型ETF | | 0.7000 |
DALI | First Trust Dorsey Wright DALI 1 ETF | Nasdaq DorseyWright DALI 1 Index | 0.6973 |
FMDE | Fidelity增強中型主動型ETF | | 0.6965 |
NXTI | Simplify NEXT無形核心指數ETF | NEXT Intangible Core Index | 0.6948 |
GLOW | VictoryShares WestEnd全球股票主動型ETF | | 0.6944 |
QCON | American Century優質可轉換證券主動型ETF | | 0.6944 |
ITDF | iShares LifePath目標日期2050主動型ETF | | 0.6897 |
MSSM | Morgan Stanley Pathway中小型股主動型ETF | | 0.6891 |
BUFI | AB國際緩衝主動型ETF | | 0.6889 |
GURU | Global X大師指數ETF | Solactive Guru Index | 0.6886 |
BBMC | JPMorgan BetaBuilders美國中型股ETF | Morningstar US Mid Cap Target Market Exposure Extended Index | 0.6881 |
DFAW | Dimensional世界股票主動型ETF | | 0.6880 |
HBTA | Horizon探險增強主動型ETF | | 0.6879 |
TMSL | T. Rowe Price中小型股主動型ETF | | 0.6879 |
IWP | iShares羅素中型成長股ETF | Russell Midcap Growth index | 0.6870 |
ITDH | iShares LifePath目標日期2060主動型ETF | | 0.6862 |
TMFX | Motley Fool下一指數ETF | Motley Fool Next Index TR | 0.6845 |
RSPA | Invesco標普500等權重收益優勢主動型ETF | | 0.6844 |
IWR | iShares羅素中型股ETF | Russell Midcap index | 0.6837 |
ITDI | iShares LifePath目標日期2065主動型ETF | | 0.6832 |
VXF | Vanguard中小型股延展市場ETF | S&P Completion Index | 0.6830 |
BNGE | First Trust S-Network流媒體與遊戲ETF | S-Network Streaming & Gaming Index | 0.6818 |
MCDS | JPMorgan基本面科學中型核心股主動型ETF | | 0.6814 |
AOR | iShares核心成長配置ETF | S&P Target Risk Growth Index | 0.6790 |
ONEO | SPDR羅素1000動能焦點ETF | Russell 1000 Momentum Focused Factor Index | 0.6790 |
DUKQ | Ocean Park國內主動型ETF | | 0.6790 |
IYC | iShares美國非必需消費品ETF | Russell 1000 Consumer Disc 40 Act 15/22.5 Daily Capped Index | 0.6788 |
IMCB | iShares晨星中型股ETF | Morningstar US Mid Cap Index (USD) | 0.6782 |
GSEW | Goldman Sachs美國大型股等權重ETF | Solactive US Large Cap Equal Weight Index | 0.6780 |
DAT | ProShares大數據精煉商ETF | FactSet Big Data Refiners Index | 0.6778 |
VB | Vanguard小型股ETF | CRSP US Small Cap Index | 0.6777 |
QWLD | SPDR MSCI全球戰略因素ETF | MSCI World Factor Mix A-Series Index | 0.6761 |
FXD | First Trust非必需消費AlphaDEX指數ETF | StrataQuant Consumer Discretionary Index. | 0.6759 |
ITAN | Sparkline無形價值主動型ETF | | 0.6744 |
FNX | First Trust中型核心股AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Mid Cap Core Index | 0.6741 |
SIZE | iShares MSCI美國規模因子ETF | MSCI USA Low Size Index | 0.6734 |
DCAP | Unity Wealth Partners動態資本增值與期權主動型ETF | | 0.6733 |
RFLR | Innovator美國小型股管理下限主動型ETF | | 0.6729 |
SCY | Simplify美國小型股PLUS收入主動型ETF | | 0.6728 |
BSR | Beacon選擇性風險主動型ETF | | 0.6727 |
NUMG | Nuveen ESG中型成長股ETF | TIAA ESG USA Mid-Cap Growth Index | 0.6721 |
RHTX | RH戰術展望主動型ETF | | 0.6717 |
ROUS | Hartford多因子美股ETF | Hartford Multifactor Large Cap Index | 0.6717 |
JQUA | JPMorgan美國優質因子ETF | JP Morgan US Quality Factor Index | 0.6714 |
ITDC | iShares LifePath目標日期2035主動型ETF | | 0.6713 |
URTH | iShares MSCI全球ETF | MSCI World Index | 0.6711 |
ITDD | iShares LifePath目標日期2040主動型ETF | | 0.6708 |
IMCG | iShares晨星中型成長股ETF | Morningstar US Mid Cap Broad Growth Index (USD) | 0.6708 |
VO | Vanguard中型股ETF | CRSP US Mid Cap Index | 0.6701 |
FLCV | Federated Hermes MDT大型價值主動型ETF | | 0.6699 |
DXUV | Dimensional美國向量股票主動型ETF | | 0.6697 |
OPTZ | Optimize策略指數ETF | Optimize Strategy Index | 0.6691 |
VBK | Vanguard小型成長股ETF | CRSP US Small Cap Growth Index | 0.6684 |
RAYD | Rayliant Quantitative已開發市場股票主動型ETF | | 0.6682 |
BKMC | BNY Mellon美國中型核心股ETF | Morningstar U.S. Mid Cap Index | 0.6677 |
NEWZ | StockSnips人工智慧驅動情緒美國全市場主動型ETF | | 0.6677 |
CVMC | Calvert美國中型股核心責任指數ETF | Calvert US Mid-Cap Core Responsible Index | 0.6675 |
JSTC | Adasina社會正義全球市場主動型ETF | | 0.6675 |
EAOA | iShares ESG感知積極配置ETF | BlackRock ESG Aware Aggressive Allocation Index | 0.6674 |
USMF | WisdomTree美國多因子ETF | WisdomTree U.S. Multifactor Index | 0.6673 |
SMLF | iShares美國小型股票因子ETF | STOXX U.S. Small-Cap Equity Factor Index (USD) | 0.6673 |
PSP | Invesco全球上市私募股權ETF | Red Rocks Global Listed Private Equity Index | 0.6672 |
FDFF | Fidelity顛覆性金融主動型ETF | | 0.6669 |
VFQY | Vanguard美國優質因子主動型ETF | | 0.6668 |
FLCC | Federated Hermes MDT大型核心主動型ETF | | 0.6662 |
PEJ | Invesco休閒娛樂業ETF | Dynamic Leisure & Entertainment Intellidex Index | 0.6662 |
ROBT | First Trust納斯達克人工智慧與機器人ETF | Nasdaq CTA Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Index | 0.6659 |
PJFM | PGIM Jennison專注中型主動型ETF | | 0.6657 |
SMMD | iShares羅素2500 ETF | Russell 2500 Index | 0.6654 |
JHML | John Hancock多因子大型股ETF | John Hancock Dimensional Large Cap Index | 0.6654 |
SPGM | SPDR投資組合MSCI全球整體股市ETF | MSCI ACWI IMI Index | 0.6653 |
FEX | First Trust大型核心股指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Large Cap Core Index | 0.6653 |
AVUS | Avantis美國股票主動型ETF | | 0.6651 |
SSUS | Day Hagan/Ned Davis研究智能類股主動型ETF | | 0.6650 |
JHMM | John Hancock多因子中型股ETF | John Hancock Dimensional Mid Cap Index | 0.6649 |
HDUS | Hartford Disciplined美國股票ETF | Hartford Disciplined US Equity Index | 0.6648 |
HIDV | AB美國高股利主動型ETF | | 0.6644 |
JMID | Janus Henderson中型股成長阿爾法主動型ETF | | 0.6642 |
AVLV | Avantis美國大型價值股主動型ETF | | 0.6641 |
OOTO | Direxion每日二倍做多旅遊及度假ETF | BlueStar Travel and Vacation Index | 0.6639 |
RXI | iShares全球非必需消費ETF | S&P Global 1200 Consumer Discretionary Sector Capped Index | 0.6638 |
AVMC | Avantis美國中型股票主動型ETF | | 0.6638 |
ITDJ | iShares LifePath目標日期2070主動型ETF | | 0.6636 |
JVAL | JPMorgan美國價值因子ETF | JP Morgan US Value Factor Index | 0.6630 |
AVLC | Avantis美國大型股主動型ETF | | 0.6628 |
KNOV | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-11月 | | 0.6627 |
ABOT | Abacus FCF創新領袖ETF | FCF US Quality Innovation Index | 0.6622 |